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Housing and Financial Matters


Ensuring your home is a safe place to live, and helping you navigate bankruptcy, eviction, debt collection, and other financial issues.








Eviction Helpline


For qualified Texans, TLSC can give information and advice regarding eviction relief. Attorneys can negotiate with landlords so tenants can stay in their homes. Attorneys can also help tenants access local rent and utility programs.  


For some individuals, TLSC can provide in-court representation. 




Must be income eligible. Priority goes to residents who live in a rural Texas county as defined by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.








Veterans Foreclosure Prevention Project


The Veterans Foreclosure Prevention Project is a statewide project dedicated to providing legal assistance at no charge to low-income veterans, their spouses, their dependents, and surviving spouses of deceased veterans. 


We work with low-income veterans and their families to prevent foreclosure, navigate bankruptcy, and provide consumer protections from predatory lending, deceptive trade practices, and debt collection violation. 





You must be a Texas resident. You must be a veteran or the spouse, surviving spouse, or a dependent (a minor child or an adult child with disabilities living with the parents) of a veteran.

Your household income must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. 





Veterans Foreclosure Prevention Project

Monday - Friday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

800.622.2520, Option 2







The Legal Hotline for Texans


If you are age 60 or older, attorneys can give you legal advice — all for free and over the phone. We offer counsel and advice on legal matters concerning economic security like consumer issues and debt collection.  


The Legal Hotline for Texans can also help eligible callers navigate advance directives, guardianship, powers of attorney, Medicare, Medicaid, Transfer on Death Deeds, and long-term care.  

This program provides counsel and advice only — we cannot draft legal documents, engage in negotiations with third parties, or go to court. 





You must be 60 or older or a Medicare Beneficiary. 




The Legal Hotline for Texans
Monday - Friday | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

800.622.2520, Option 3





Learn more about accessing government benefits on our partner site





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