A veteran exposed to Agent Orange is granted full disability, providing longterm economic stability for him and his wife.

We are writing to thank your organization, and particularly Attorney William Ritter, for their hard work on our behalf.
We have been dealing with a financial crisis for the last couple of years that was exacerbated by health problems. Peter has non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and I had a setback a few years ago with congestive heart failure, which thankfully is under control. Unfortunately, these illnesses came as we were getting older, and as our industry, journalism, was undergoing profound changes. Peter is a noted freelance photographer; and I worked primarily as a freelance correspondent ... But journalism has changed, and we found ourselves struggling to adjust to new circumstances caused by those changes. The crisis was magnified by ill health, and by our own financial errors and shortcomings. Your organization proved to be a lifeline for us.
The attorney was able to guide us through the complex bankruptcy process. He was diligent, empathetic, and very accessible. During this time, Peter's VA doctors had suggested his lymphoma was due to Agent Orange exposure while serving in the U.S. Navy in the 1960s and so we filed a disability claim. That process took over three years, but Peter was granted full disability in August, and our financial crisis resolved this month.
Your organization proved to be a lifeline for us.
Without TLSC we would have been lost. We offer our profound thanks. We are making a donation as a token of our appreciation; however, if there is any way our skills as communicators can help TLSC or its clients, please let us know. We know from our past work that there are so many people in need of assistance, particularly in a city that is a contrast in opportunities. Your organization and advocates help those who are desperately in need. Thank you again.
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