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Protecting the Rights of All Texans

Helping Ordinary People Make Extraordinary Change through Impact Litigation

At the heart of Texas Legal Services Center’s mission is a simple yet powerful belief: everyone deserves justice, no matter their background or circumstances. Our Impact Litigation team stands with marginalized communities—people with disabilities, low-income earners, people of color, immigrants, women, and the LGBTQIA+ community—to challenge discrimination and misconduct wherever it occurs. By amplifying our clients' voices and taking on powerful institutions through the legal system and media, we ensure that these injustices do not go unanswered. We don’t just fight for individual cases; we fight to make Texas a fairer, more just place for all.


Defending Vulnerable Communities

Injustice and discrimination are deeply rooted in many of our institutions, affecting the daily lives of those who are already marginalized. People with disabilities face barriers to equal treatment, people of color and immigrants encounter systemic racism, women and the LGBTQIA+ community may suffer from targeted harassment and violence, and many others experience violations of their basic rights. Large organizations and public institutions often perpetuate these injustices, leaving victims feeling powerless and silenced.

But we refuse to let these voices go unheard. Our Impact Litigation team is committed to empowering those who have been wronged, ensuring that their stories are told, and their rights are defended. By taking on cases for individuals, we are not just seeking justice for one—we are striving to create lasting change that benefits countless Texans. We seek cases that address systemic issues, such as widespread discrimination or consumer exploitation, that affect larger groups, to strengthen legal protections for all. We believe in a Texas where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and we are relentless in our pursuit of that vision.


Making a Difference for Everyone


Transforming Texas Public Schools

Our Impact Litigation team has helped transform school districts across the state. We filed Title IX complaints with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights to combat sexual assault, harassment, and discrimination. Title IX safeguards students from sex-based discrimination in any education program or activity that receives federal funding. 

In one case, TLSC represented student Julia Heilrayne in her efforts to advocate for change at Austin ISD. She reported a sexual assault, but the principal threatened her with suspension if she mentioned it again. Our settlement with Austin ISD and Julia’s courage to speak out led to over 12,000 employees receiving training from Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) and policy overhaul to protect students who come forward about sexual assault.

Read about this case on CBS Austin.

Photo of Julia Heilrayne
Julia H., client


Protecting Texans from Unlawful Court Fees

Our Impact Litigation Team took a stand to protect Texans living in poverty from being burdened with unfair court fees they simply couldn’t afford. Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 145 is clear: no one should be charged court fees if they can prove they don’t have the resources. However, some courts and clerks still impose these fees on people already struggling to make ends meet. We filed a lawsuit against the Tarrant County District Clerk’s Office for violating the rights of vulnerable individuals. The suit led to an agreement that ensures all employees are trained to comply with Rule 145. This includes vital updates to training, websites, offices, and support systems, so that everyone—staff and citizens alike—knows these fees are illegal.


Ensuring Fair Treatment for People with Disabilities

Our work doesn’t stop at education and the courts. We challenged the Ellis County Sheriff's Department after deputies attacked our client, Ruben Solis, a man who had Huntington’s disease, during an arrest. The lack of training on interacting with people with disabilities led to this tragic incident. Our federal lawsuit and subsequent settlement have now mandated comprehensive training for all 125 deputies, ensuring they are better equipped to interact with and accommodate people with disabilities. “Ellis County is going to be a better, safer place for people who have disabilities," said Mr. Solis after the lawsuit. Mr. Solis has since passed away.

Read about this case on KERA News.


Were Your Civil Rights Violated?

Apply online for our Impact Litigation program.

All of our services are free. Together, we can create a more equitable Texas. 



When you donate to Texas Legal Services Center, you help us help our clients. Everyone deserves justice — not just those who can afford it. Join us by making a gift today.


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